HR Policy 

AVOID LIABILITY: Get your HR policies compliant today with this PowerPack, specially designed for gig companies and written by experts with decades of experience in HR.
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Get Expert Advice on your HR Policies. Avoid Liability.

Who is This For?

Owners, HR teams, & managers.

How to Use It

Customize, implement, and regularly review HR policies to stay compliant with the law.

Employee Handbook Template

An employee handbook sets clear expectations, ensures legal compliance, and fosters a positive work environment. Download the Handbook Template to get started.

Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

NDAs protect sensitive information, ensuring recipes, client lists, and strategies stay confidential. This safeguards reputation, client trust, and competitive edge. 

Settlement Agreement Template

Settlement agreements legally protect companies from future claims, ensure clear terms, and include confidentiality and non-disparagement clauses.

Pro-Tips ☝️

Get Pro Tips from HR experts in the industry.

What's In It

HR policies and processes for gig and event companies, templates, forms, and tips to avoid mistakes.

Why Have HR Policies

HR policies may not be thrilling, but they ensure fairness, compliance, and protect your business. This PowerPack gives you a head start.

Employee Agreement Template

An employee agreement defines roles, ensures legal compliance, and outlines terms. It promotes consistency, protects interests, and enhances job satisfaction. Get the Employee Agreement Template.

Termination, Resignation, &
Settlement Agreements

A settlement agreement manages liability during terminations, resolving legal issues with severance. Prevents costly lawsuits.