
Workforce Communication and Management

AI-Powered Scheduling, Payroll, and Time-Tracking. Eliminate Endless Calls, Emails, and Spreadsheets. Perfect for Businesses with Dynamic Workforce Demands.
workers who use Roosted to manage their job
managers rely on Roosted to save time every day

You have a lot on your plate when it comes to managing staff

Getting the right workers to the right place on time
  • It takes a lot of work to figure out who is the best person for a shift. How close do they live? Are they qualified?
  • Once you know who you want for a shift, it takes back-and-forth to get them scheduled. Rinse and repeat for the whole team.
You just need it to happen, with no mistakes.
Too many texts and emails to keep track of.
  • Your team spends a lot of time emailing, texting, and calling workers for scheduling and payroll.
  • Keeping everyone up-to-date on the details for each shift is time-consuming.
You just want your team to be able to focus on productive tasks instead of tracking down workers all day.
from one of our HR experts
Running payroll without spending hours on spreadsheets.
  • Payroll takes hours and hours each pay period.
  • You have spreadsheets to calculate wages, hours, tips, invoicing, and everything else under the sun.
You just want the reports you need, and payroll to run, without all the fuss.

You know it needs improvement,
but don’t know where to start.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3




Talk to our scheduling experts

By the end of this process you’ll have clarity on:
  • Your team spends a lot of time emailing, texting, and calling workers for scheduling and payroll.
  • Keeping everyone up-to-date on the details for each shift is time-consuming.


Use our AI to automate your scheduling and other HR workflows.
  • Our automated workflows are designed to custom-mold to your business logic.
  • To reduce your team’s repetitive HR processes.
Learn how:


At this step you will:
  • Reap the benefits of remastering your workflow.
  • Have fine tuned, automatic reporting and analytics. 
  • Have eliminated most of your manual processes.

You can modernize your workforce and focus on what’s making you money, without worrying about:

Complicated processes for scheduling or time tracking
Compromising the quality of your business. 
Learning complicated new software
Investing a ton of you and your team’s time
Changing your workflows

Schedule a call with one of our HR experts today

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Meet with an HR Expert

You have a lot on your plate when it comes to
managing staff

You know it needs
but don’t know where to start.

You can modernize your workforce and focus on what’s
making you money, without worrying about:

Schedule a call with one of our
HR experts today